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Writer's pictureAmina Davison

New Beginnings

An unwanted anniversary is looming, shared by the whole country. Next month will be 1 year since the country locked down in a bid to control the Covid 19 pandemic. It marks what has been the most challenging and unpredictable year any of us could have imagined. We have added new words to our vocabulary such as “unprecedented” and “spike protein”. The vast majority of us have spent months cooped up inside our homes. Homeschooling became the norm. The entire country has seen and appreciated the immense commitment and sacrifice from our essential workers. We have Zoomed countless hours, we have watched the entire Netflix back catalogue. We have been forced to spend time looking within ourselves.

Over the last 2 weeks as the easing of lockdown dawns, a third of the country is vaccinated, and the frost thaws, I have felt a certain shift in energy. Maybe it’s the warmer weather, or the daffodils poking their leaves through the soil? Whatever it is, I feel hope and optimism in the air. This weekend I spent time catching up with friends and family over the phone. The topic of conversation definitely focused on new directions, life changes, new careers, new cities. Almost in perfect keeping with the spirit of Easter- New Beginnings are just within reach.

Like many others, over the past 12 months I have tried to juggle kids, homeschooling, a new puppy, running a house, cooking more meals than I ever imagined, trying to run a business, and keeping my sanity. It was tough at times and I had to keep reminding myself how lucky I was, when others had not been able to see their families, lost loved ones, or endured unthinkable financial or emotional hardships.

I had to be honest with myself and accept that I couldn't do everything. As women we often put pressure on ourselves that in order to have it all, we must do everything, all by ourselves, perfectly. I for one fell victim to burnout once before, so I am careful to recognise when it seems like I am taking on too much. Something has to give, and learning to prioritise your roles helps to ease the burden. For me, that was prioritising my parenting duties over my work. I had to shift the balance by whittling my list down to just a handful of patients, to whom I could dedicate my allocated work time.

So for me, New Beginnings means picking myself up, dusting myself off and getting my head ready to dedicate some more time to my business, and to nurture it again. I’m looking forward to seeing things grow again and take on a new direction. I plan to continue to recognise my limits, and to prioritise my time, slow down, and look at the bigger picture.

What have the last 12 months taught you about yourself? Are there any things you have learnt that you plan to take forwards into your New Beginning?

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